May 20, 2021
Terminal half-life of FVIII and FIX according to age, blood group and concentrate type: data from the WAPPS database
J Thromb Haemost. 2021 May
20. doi: 10.1111/jth.15395. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34013558.
May 11, 2021
Terminal half-life of FVIII and FIX according to age, blood group and concentrate type: data from the WAPPS database
Versloot O, Iserman E, Chelle P, Germini F, Edginton AN, Schutgens REG, Iorio A, Fischer K; Pharmacokinetic (PK) Expert Working Group of the International Prophylaxis Study Group (IPSG). Terminal half-life of FVIII and FIX according to age, blood group and concentrate type: Data from the WAPPS database. J Thromb Haemost. 2021 Aug;19(8):1896-1906. doi: 10.1111/jth.15395. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34013558; PMCID: PMC8361743.
December 5, 2020
Not All Patients Benefit from Switching to Ehl: Results from the Wapps Database
The 62nd
ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition (Dec 5-8, 2020)
December 5, 2020
Terminal Half-Life of Factor VIII/IX According to Age and Blood Group Based on 8550 Assessments.
The 62nd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition (Dec 5-8, 2020)
November 5, 2020
Not All Patients Benefit from Switching to Ehl: Results from the Wapps Database
2020; 136 (S1): 21-22.
November 5, 2020
Terminal Half-Life of Factor VIII/IX According to Age and Blood Group Based on 8550 Assessments
Blood 2020; 136 (S1): 22-23
January 22, 2019
Laboratory Assay Measurement of Modified Clotting Factor Concentrates: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Practice
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2019: 17 (4): 567 – 573
March 30, 2017
Tailoring treatment of haemophilia B: accounting for the distribution and clearance of standard and extended half-life FIX concentrates
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2017; 117 (6): 1023 - 1030
August 22, 2010
Implications of coagulation factor VIII and IX pharmacokinetics for clinical practice.
Haemophilia 2011 Jan; 17(1):2-10.