Member Profile

I´m a Brazilian physiotherapist with great interesting in musculoskeletal issues in people with hemophilia. The main topic of my interest are: pathophysiology of blood-induce joint damage and evidence-based physical therapy and exercise for people of hemophilia. I´ve been done and published studies about postural balance in children with hemophilia where we investigated the early impairments in postural control system after repetitive joint bleeds. I have also presented in oral (Dubai, United Arabic Emirates – 2011) and poster session (Paris, France – 2012) our projects at World Federation of Hemophilia Congresses. Since 2010 I´ve been participating in a Sickkids Hospital (Toronto, Canada) multi-center study in order to compare joint-health status (outcome measures/image techniques) between Canadians and Brazilian children. In 2012 I took a 3-month fellowship program that was support by Novo Nordisk Hemophilia Foundation (Zurich, Switzerland) at Royal Free Hospital, London-UK where I could learn how a Hemophilia Comprehensive Care Center works. Currently I´m enrolled on Graduate Studies (PhD degree in Medical Sciences) at Rheumatology Unit – School of Medicine of University of São Paulo, Brazil. My ongoing project aims to investigate the effects of exercise on blood-induce joint damage with hemophilia-A mice model (knockout-FVIII). Nowadays I´m also responsible for the annual musculoskeletal –assessment of patients with hemophilia at Hemophilia Center of Clinical Hospital – Faculty of Medicine – University of São Paulo, Brazil. I also work with Sports Injury Rehabilitation non-hemophiliacs patients in São Paulo, Brazil.